speech text
speech text

SpeechtoText(VoiceRecognition)isanextensionthathelpsyouconvertyourspeechtotext.Itcanrecognizeawidevarietyoflanguagesandrelateddialects ...,TurnspeechintotextusingGoogleAI.Convertaudiointotexttranscriptionsandintegratespeechrecognitionintoapplicat...

Use voice typing to talk instead of type on your PC


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Speech to Text (Voice Recognition)

Speech to Text (Voice Recognition) is an extension that helps you convert your speech to text. It can recognize a wide variety of languages and related dialects ...

Speech-to-Text AI

Turn speech into text using Google AI. Convert audio into text transcriptions and integrate speech recognition into applications with easy-to-use APIs.

Speech to Text with Google Speech Recognition

Looking for a free alternative to Dragon Naturally speaking for speech recognition? Voice Notepad lets you type with your voice in any language.

Speech to text

The Audio API provides two speech to text endpoints, transcriptions and translations , based on our state-of-the-art open source large-v2 Whisper model.

Free Speech to Text Online, Voice Typing & Transcription

Speechnotes converts speech to text online. Dictate your notes in real time, or upload recordings and get them transcribed automatically in no time.

Use voice typing to talk instead of type on your PC

With voice typing, you can enter text on your PC by speaking. Voice typing uses online speech recognition, which is powered by Azure Speech services.

IBM Watson Speech to Text

Watson Speech to Text is an API that transcribes speech to text in a variety of languages. It's available as SaaS or for self-hosting.

Free Text to Speech Online with Realistic AI Voices

Text to speech (TTS) is a technology that converts text into spoken audio. It can read aloud PDFs, websites, and books using natural AI voices.


SpeechTexter is a free multilingual speech-to-text application aimed at assisting you with transcription of notes, documents, books, reports or blog posts by ...


SpeechtoText(VoiceRecognition)isanextensionthathelpsyouconvertyourspeechtotext.Itcanrecognizeawidevarietyoflanguagesandrelateddialects ...,TurnspeechintotextusingGoogleAI.Convertaudiointotexttranscriptionsandintegratespeechrecognitionintoapplicationswitheasy-to-useAPIs.,LookingforafreealternativetoDragonNaturallyspeakingforspeechrecognition?VoiceNotepadletsyoutypewithyourvoiceinanylanguage.,Th...